Points focaux


Ms. Snježana Dominković Alavanja
Senior Advisor
Department for Sea and Coastal Protection
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Ulica grada Vukovara 220
10 000 Zagreb

Tel. + 385 1 6310 584
e-mail: Snjezana.DominkovicAlavanja@mzoe.hr


Mme Daniel Pirushi
Directrice générale par intérim de l'Agence nationale des aires protégées
Boulevard "Dëshmorët e Kombit" 1
1001 Tirana

E-mail: daniel.pirushi@turizmi.gov.al


Mr. Mitja Bricelj
Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning
Directorate for Water and Investments
Dunajska 47
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Tel: +386 1 478 7477
Fax: +386 1 478 7425
e-mail: mitja.bricelj@gov.si


M. Raouf Hadj Aïssa
Sous directeur de la préservation du littoral,
du milieu marin et des zones humides
Ministère de l’environnement
1, rue des Quatre Canons
16000 Alger

Tel/Fax: ++ 213 550 82 51 86/431144
E-mail: raouf_hadjaissa@yahoo.com
Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Environnement

Bosnie et Herzégovine

Mr. Tarik Kupusović
National Co-ordinator for MAP
Hydro Engineering Institute
Stjepana Tomića 1
71000 Sarajevo

Tel: ++ 387 33 207949
Fax: ++ 387 33 212466/7
E-mail: tarik.kupusovic@heis.ba


Ms Yiota Lazarou

Environmental officer
Department of Environment
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
1498 Nicosia, Cyprus

Tel: + 357 22 408957
Fax: + 357 22 774945
E-mail: ylazarou@environment.moa.gov.cy


Dr. Heba Sharawy 
Ph.D of Environmental and Economic science
Head of loans and grants follow up unit.
Head OF ICZM Central Department
General manager for Environmental Economy
MAP Coordinator/ WAVES focal point
Ministry of Environment
Cairo - Egypt

E-mail: heba_shrawy@yahoo.com

Tel: +202 25256452     Ex:7320 


M. Fabrice BERNARD
Cellule Méditerranée
Conservatoire de l’Espace Littoral et des Rivages Lacustres
Bastide Beaumanoir
3, rue Marcel Arnaud
13100 Aix en Provence

Tel : ++ 33 4 42912835
Fax : ++ 33 1 45 83 60 45
E-mail: F.Bernard@conservatoire-du-littoral.fr


Mme Evgenia LAGIOU

Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy
Directorate of Spatial Planning
Head of the Department of National Spatial Planning Strategy
17 Amaliados str.,
115 23 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30 213 1515331
E-Mail: e.lagiou@prv.ypeka.gr


Ms Eleni LALOU 

Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy
Directorate of Spatial Planning
Department of National Spatial Planning Strategy
17 Amaliados str.,
115 23 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30 213 1515321
E-Mail: e.lalou@prv.ypeka.gr 



Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy
Directorate of Spatial Planning
Department of National Spatial Planning Strategy
17 Amaliados str.,
115 23 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30 213 1515319
E-Mail: a.spyropoulou@prv.ypeka.gr


Ms Yehudit Mosseri
Ministry of Environmental Protection
Marine Environment Protection Division
15a Pal-Yam Street
P.O.B 811, Haifa 31007

Tel: ++ 972 4 8633509
Mobile: ++ 972 50 6233367
e-mail: yehuditm@sviva.gov.il


Ms Ayelet ROSEN
Head, Multilateral Environmental Agreements
MAP Focal Point to the Barcelona Convention

Tel: ++ 972 2 6553745
Fax: ++ 972 2 6553752
e-mail: ayeletr@sviva.gov.il


Mr. Giordano GIORGI
The Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA)
Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48
00144 - Rome

Tel: +972 2 6553745
E-mail: giordano.giorgi@isprambiente.it 


Mr. Adel Yacoub
Protection of Natural Resources Department
Ministry of Environment
Lazarieh Center, 8th Floor, Block A-4 New
P.O.Box 11/2727

Tel: ++ 961 1 976555 ext. 456
e-mail: a.yacoub@moe.gov.lb


M. Alsamh Almunji 
Environmental Impact Assessment and Studies Office
Environment General Authority
P.O. Box 83618
Tripoli – Libya

Mobile: ++ 218 92 500 80 51
e-mail: elsmeh@yahoo.com


Ms. Michelle BORG

Ms Michelle Borg
Unit Manager
Green and Blue Development Unit
Planning Authority
St. Francis Ravelin,
Floriana, FRN1230 

 Tel: ++ 356 2290 2026
E-mail: michelle.borg@pa.org.mt

cc: Ms. Marguerite Camilleri
Unit Manager International Affairs
Environment & Resources Authority (ERA)
Hexagon House, Spencer Hill, Marsa, MRS 1441
Tel: ++356 22923514
E-mail: marguerite.b.camilleri@era.org.mt
Environment and Resource Authority (ERA)


Directeur par Intérim des Programmes et Réalisations
Ministère de l'Energie, des Mines et de l'Environnement

Tél : 212 5 37 57 66 35
Fax : 212 5 37 57 66 45
E-mail: farah.abdelilah.envir@gmail.com

cc : M. Naoual ZOUBAIR 
Chef du Service Littoral
Département de l'environnement
Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'environnement
9, Avenue Al Araar, secteur 16, Hay Ryad, Rabat

Tél : 212 5 37 57 06 01
GSM : 212 6 62 10 81 54
Fax : 212 5 37 57 66 45
e-mail: n_zoubair@yahoo.fr


M. Raphaël SIMONET
Chef de Division
Direction de l'Environnement
3, Avenue de Fontvielle
MC 98000 Monaco

Tel: ++ 377 98 981965
Fax: ++ 377 92 052891
E-mail: rsimonet@gouv.mc


Ms. Aleksandra IVANOVIC
Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro
Ul. Popa Jola Zeca bb
85310 Budva

Tel: ++ 382 33 452709 or 402060
Fax: ++ 382 33 452685
E-mail: aleksandra.ivanovic@morskodobro.com  
JP Morsko dobro


Isabel Flores Montoya
Head of Projects and Works Service
Directorate General of Coasts and Sea.
Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica
Plaza San Juan de la Cruz 10
28071 Madrid - Octava Planta a-827

Tel: +34915975624
Email: iflores@miteco.es; bzn-sgpcosta@mapama.es

Sagrario Arrieta
Coordinadora de Área
Subdirección General para la protección del Mar
Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
Plaza San Juan de la Cruz 10
28071 Madrid - Octava Planta a-827

Tel: +34915975565
Email: sarrieta@miteco.es


Water Safety Directorate
Ministry of Local Administration and Environment
P.O. Box 3773

Tel: ++ 963 11 2318682 / 2318683 /2396245
Fax: ++ 963 11 2312120 / 2320726
e-mail: engrula_jab@yahoo.com ; rojabb79@gmail.com CC: int.coop@mola.gov.sy 


M. Mehdi Ben Haj 
Directeur Général par intérimaire
Agence de Protection et d’Aménagement du Littoral (APAL)
2, Rue Mohamed Rachid Ridha
1002 Le Bélvédère

Tél: ++ 216 71 906 907
Fax: ++ 216 71 908 460

E-mail: dg@apal.nat.tn


Branch Manager
Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation
General Directorate of Spatial Planning
Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi Eskişehir Devlet Yolu 9 Km, Dumlupınar Blv. No:278
06510 Çankaya/Ankara

Tel: ++ 90 312 410 2376
E-mail: emrah.soylemez@csb.gov.tr

Union européenne

Ms Marijana MANCE
Policy Officer
Mediterranean Sea European Commission
Directorate - General for Environment Unit C2: Marine Environment
and Water Industry
Avenue de Beaulieu 5, office BU 9 04/110
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

Tel: ++ 32 2 2982011
E-mail: marijana.mance@ec.europa.eu