
19.12.2018. Job opening for a regional expert to support the organization of the Regional Workshop on Synergies with G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter

Posting Title:

Regional expert to support the organization of the Regional Workshop on Synergies with G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter


United Nations Environment Programme


Home-based position

Posting Period:

17-26 December 2018

Job Opening Number:

18-United Nations Environment Programme-108437-Consultant

Link to the posting: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=108437

19.12.2018. Job opening for an Expert to Define Criteria for Labelling of ICZM Projects

Deadline: 5 January 2019

Interested applicants are requested to submit their expressions of interest, including CV, by e-mail to: zeljka.skaricic@paprac.org

Terms of Reference

06.12.2018. DEMANDE D'EXPRESSION D'INTÉRÊT (2) - pour la réalisation du Rapport Côtier en vue d’appuyer une démarche de planification stratégique intégrée des ressources sur le territoire de la lagune de Ghar El Melh - Projet GEMWET (MAVA)

Date limite : 17 décembre 2018, 16h00 heure locale 

Les expressions d’intérêt pour cette offre devront parvenir au CAR/PAP, par email à M. Sylvain Petit, chargé de programme : sylvain.petit@paprac.org

Termes de référence

04.12.2018. 2 Job Openings for consultancy assignments on the United Nations Recruitment Platform (INSPIRA)

This is to advise that the Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan has posted 2 Job Openings for consultancy assignments on the United Nations Recruitment Platform (INSPIRA,) as follows:

1. National Consultancy to support NBB and NAP updates for Libya as stipulated in Article 5 of the LBS Protocol of the Barcelona Convention

Posting Period: 28 November – 12 December 2018

Link to the posting: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=107521

Link to ToR: http://paprac.org/storage/app/media/Jobs/JO%20107521_ToR.pdf

2. Individual Contractor to support the Mediterranean implementation of the Ecosystem Approach, in coherence with the EU MSFD (EcApMEDII) project implementation

Posting Period: 28 November – 7 December 2018 (posting period is to be extended until 12 December 2018)

Link to the posting: https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=107312

Link to ToR: http://paprac.org/storage/app/media/Jobs/JO%20107312_ToR.pdf

Kindly note that registration and log-in are required for viewing the announcements and submission of applications.

27.11.2018. Vacancy announcement for the position of Fisheries Officer, FAO, Duty Station Rome

We are pleased to inform you that the vacancy announcement for the position of Fisheries Officer, responsible for capture fisheries statistics in the FAO Statistics and Information Branch of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (FI), Duty Station Rome, has just been released.

Please find further details regarding the post at the following link:


Kindly note that the deadline for the application is 10 December 2018.

26.11.2018. The SMILO association is currently recruiting a project manager on a permanent contract.

The position is to be filled from February 2019.

 You will find attached the job offer. It is also available on the SMILO website: http://www.smilo-program.org/fr/ressources/avis-de-marches


13.11.2018. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – for consultants to draft Guidelines for environmental assessment in a transboundary context

Deadline: 26 November 2018 at 23.59 CET

Interested applicants are requested to submit their expressions of interest including CV by e-mail to: zeljka.skaricic@paprac.org

Terms of references

07.11.2018. DEMANDE D'EXPRESSION D'INTÉRÊT - pour la réalisation du Rapport Côtier en vue d’appuyer une démarche de planification stratégique intégrée des ressources sur le territoire de la lagune de Ghar El Melh - Projet GEMWET (MAVA)

Date limite : 26 novembre 2018, 16h00 heure locale - CANCELED

Les expressions d’intérêt pour cette offre devront parvenir au CAR/PAP, par email à M. Sylvain Petit, chargé de programme : sylvain.petit@paparac.org

Termes de référence

26.10.2018. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – for contractor to prepare Recommendations for coordinated implementation of regionally relevant sectoral policies, in the framework of SIMWESTMED Project Deadline: 5 November 2018 at 23.

Deadline: 9 November 2018 at 23.59 CET

Interested applicants are requested to submit their expressions of interest, by filling the requested documents, by e-mail to paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating Recommendations for sectoral policies in the subject field.

Terms of references

Proposal submission form

Financial proposal form

Background document

05.10.2018. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – for contractor to prepare the thematic Monitoring Programmes for Montenegro, for Ecological Objectives: EO1 Biodiversity; EO2 Non Indigenous Species (NIS); EO3 Fisheries, and EO10 Marine Litter, in the frame

Posted on: 5 October 2018

Deadline: 15 October 2018 at 23.59 CET

Interested applicants are requested to submit their expressions of interest, by filling the requested documents, by e-mail to paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating “Thematic Programme for Montenegro (EO 1, 2, 3, 10)” in the subject field.

ToR_National MNE_EO1_EO2_EO3_EO10.pdf



19.09.2018. SPA/RAC relance l’appel d’offres pour évaluer la mise en œuvre de la Feuille de route pour un réseau complet et cohérent d’AMP bien gérées afin d’atteindre l’Objectif 11 d’Aichi en Méd

La nouvelle date limite pour recevoir les offres est le 2 octobre 2018 à 23h59 CET.

Cette consultation est ouverte aux bureaux d’études et/ou aux consultants indépendants ayant une expérience dans le domaine des aires protégées, de la biodiversité et de l’environnement marin et côtier, et dans la réalisation d'évaluations à grande échelle de stratégies et de programmes de conservation marine. La connaissance de la région méditerranéenne est un avantage.

Cette mission a pour objectif i) d’évaluer les progrès accomplis (y compris les réussites et les échecs possibles) par les Parties contractantes à la Convention de Barcelone afin d’atteindre l’Objectif 11 d’Aichi, et ii) de fixer des objectifs pour l'après-2020 pour la région méditerranéenne.

Le dossier d’appel d’offres, y compris les termes de référence de l’étude (en anglais seulement), est joint à cet e-mail, et est disponible pour téléchargement sur le site internet du SPA/RAC au niveau de ce lien.

18.09.2018. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – expert to prepare “Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme for Albania and Montenegro”

In the framework of the project “Implementation of Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning” (GEF Adriatic project)

Posted on: 18 September 2018

Deadline: 28 September 2018 at 23.59 CET

Interested applicants are requested to submit their expressions of interest, including the requested documents, by e-mail to paprac@paprac.org and marina.markovic@paprac.org indicating “Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme for Albania and Montenegro” in the subject field.

Terms of references

Proposal submission form

Financial proposal form

20.08.2018. Job Opening by UNEP/MAP for a consultancy assignment on the United Nations Recruitment Platform (INSPIRA)

Job Details_102411.pdf

08.08.2018. Appel d’offres pour évaluer la mise en œuvre de la Feuille de route pour un réseau complet et cohérent d’Aires Marines Protégées bien gérées afin d’atteindre l’Objectif 11 d’Aichi en Méditerranée (Appel d’offres No 6 - ASP/CAR)

ToRs - MPA Roadmap evaluation - ENG


Deadline:  14 September 2018 at 23.59 CET

Interested applicants are requested to submit their expressions of interest including the requested documents by e-mail to marko.prem@paprac.org

Terms of References 
Financial proposal form

20.06.2018. Poziv na dostavu ponuda za nabavu vanjskog stručnjaka za konzultacije s upraviteljima zaštićenih morskih područja u sklopu projekta PHAROS4MPAs

Ev. br. 7/2018

Rok za dostavu:   6.7.2018. do 10:00 h

05.03.2018. Request for proposal: Elaboration of “Recommendations on how to perform analysis of land-sea interactions (LSI), combining marine spatial planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)

Deadline: 5 March 2018

Interested candidates should send their offer in electronic format to PAP/RAC office at the paprac@paprac.org indicating “Consultancy for LSI” in the subject field.


Terms of References
Financial proposal form
Proposal submission form
LSI – initial description

19.09.2023. Baseline Status Report including the definition of the Good Environmental Status (GES) for the IMAP Common Indicator 16 on the coastline for Türkiye

The Tenderer shall prove it has the following qualifications:
− Recognised degree in one of the following fields: spatial planning, environmental sciences, coastal zone management;
− Minimum of 5 years of experience in working on projects relevant to the Tender.
− Good knowledge of the English language.

The  Tenderer shall submit the following in his Tender: the Tenderer's curriculum vitae (CV), clearly highlighting, among others, required technical and professional qualifications.

Offers shall be sent electronically to the following e-mail addresses: marko.prem@paprac.org preferably with GES for CI 16 Türkiye as the e-mail subject. 

Tender offers must be received by 4 October 2023, 14.00 hours (CET)


Annex 1a Assessment Criteria and the Guiding Document for Application of Assessment Criteria for the IMAP Common Indicator 16

Annex 1b TÜRKİYE Report Ecological Objective 8 Coastal Ecosystems and Landscapes Common Indicator 16 Length of Coastline Subject to Physical Disturbance Due to the Influence of Human-Made Structures