
Montenegrin delegation in Split
Montenegrin delegation in Split
On 16 and 17 December, PAP/RAC hosted a delegation from Montenegro. Representatives of the public enterprise “Morsko dobro” from Budva, ten of them, and a representative of the Min...
PAP/RAC has a new Steering Committee
PAP/RAC has a new Steering Committee

On 13 December, the first meeting of the PAP/RAC Steering Committee in the new call was organised at the PAP/RAC premises. The Steering Committee has five members, representatives ...

MedOpen Advanced candidates - selected!
MedOpen Advanced candidates - selected!
The selection for the MedOpen Advanced Course 2010 is over. Following a combination of criteria, such as the current job position, level of education, motivation and the ICZM exper...
Syria ratified the ICZM Protocol!
Syria ratified the ICZM Protocol!

Syria will enter history for being the sixth and "enter-into-force" country for the ICZM Protocol! Namely, the President of the Syrian Arab Republic issued a Legislative Decree No....

PAP/RAC hosted Turkish delegation
PAP/RAC hosted Turkish delegation

On 22 October, PAP/RAC hosted a delegation composed of 10 officers of the Turkish Ministry of Public Works and Resettlement and 4 consultants from Belda Ltd. This visit, co-organis...

MedOpen - a new run of the Advanced Course announced!
MedOpen - a new run of the Advanced Course announced!

Great news for everyone interested in coastal management - MedOpen, a virtual training course developed by the PAP/RAC has been recently updated. The main goal of this educational ...

MedPartnership: Buna/Bojana ICZM Plan
MedPartnership: Buna/Bojana ICZM Plan
A joint meeting of the Albanian and Montenegrin authorities was held on 15 October at the premises of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration in Tirana. The ...
MedPartnership: Climate change and the planning in the coastal zone
MedPartnership: Climate change and the planning in the coastal zone

On 14 October, the Integrative Working Group (IWG) met for the second time to develop an integrative methodological framework for converging methodologies for groundwater/aquifer...

Encouraging signals from the Coast Day in Slovenia
Encouraging signals from the Coast Day in Slovenia

Owing to the decision of the Parliament of Slovenia of 25 September 2009 to adopt the Law on Ratification of the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean, Slovenia was the first among t...

Green light to ICZM Questionnaire and PAP/RAC strategic orientations
Green light to ICZM Questionnaire and PAP/RAC strategic orientations

At their meeting in Portoroz (Slovenia), on 24 September 2010, the PAP/RAC National Focal Points validated, with some minor changes, the questionnaire elaborated in the frame of th...

EU ratified the ICZM Protocol!
EU ratified the ICZM Protocol!

On 13 September 2010, the Council adopted the decision to ratify the ICZM Protocol to the Barcelona Convention. European Environment Commissioner Janez Potoènik has welcomed the ad...

The EUROSITE Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Working Group (EUROSITE MCPA Working Group) is a new initiative of the EUROSITE network in charge of, among others, organising annua...
Stock-taking workshop and Mediterranean Coast Day
Stock-taking workshop and Mediterranean Coast Day
Following the first Protocol ratification in the Mediterranean by Slovenia, the central awareness raising event of this year - the Mediterranean “Coast Day” celebration, will be he...
Sun rises on CAMP Levante de Almeria
Sun rises on CAMP Levante de Almeria
The CAMP "Levante de Almería", Spain, has been launched officially. The Inception Workshop was organised on 15 July 2010 at the Auditorium of the Almería University. Judging by the
5+5 Mediterranean Dialogue
5+5 Mediterranean Dialogue
The 5+5 Dialogue is a forum for political dialogue which brings together ten countries bordering the Western Mediterranean Basin: five countries of the Arab Maghreb Union (Algeria,...
Together for converging methodologies
Together for converging methodologies

The first meeting of the Integrative Working Group (IWG) was held in GWP premises in Athens, on 1-2 July. Partners of the ICZM component of the GEF Strategic Partnership met reinfo...

Spain ratified the ICZM Protocol!
Spain ratified the ICZM Protocol!
According to the Spanish Embassy in Athens, Spain has ratified the ICZM Protocol, thus being the 4th party to the Protocol. The Division of Treaties of MFA Spain has been instructe...
CAMP Morocco officially closed
CAMP Morocco officially closed

The last workshop organised in the frame of the CAMP for the Central Rif in Morocco was held in Chefchaouen on 10 June 2010. About fifty participants representing the national auth...

The Maritime World met in Gijón
The Maritime World met in Gijón

The 3rd European Maritime Day Stakeholder Conference was hosted by the city of Gijón, Asturias, on the Atlantic coast of Spain, from 18 to 21 May 2010. This was one of the events o...

Together for the Mediterranean - converging methodologies
Together for the Mediterranean - converging methodologies

On 11-12 May and on 14 May, representatives of PAP/RAC, UNESCO-IHP, GWP-MED and SPA/RAC, all being partners in implementing the ICZM component of the GEF Strategic Partnership, met...

UNESCO hosted GOC 2010
UNESCO hosted GOC 2010
The 5th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands, hosted by UNESCO and the Government of France, was held in Paris, on 3-7 May 2010. The Conference provided the major oppor...
'Destinations' - CAMP Morocco shows first results
'Destinations' - CAMP Morocco shows first results

Excellent news have arrived from the CAMP Morocco area: archaeological excavations have been launched at the site designated to host the tourism development project of Souani in th...

It's official now: We do PEGASO!
It's official now: We do PEGASO!
A large PEGASO society is being built-up since the lunching of the project in February this year: project partners, end-users from the Mediterranean region, members of the Black Se...
The MEDCOAST classic is back!
The MEDCOAST classic is back!

The Eight International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute 2010) is scheduled to take place in Dalyan/Sou...
Together for the Mediterranean Sea – from Albania
Together for the Mediterranean Sea – from Albania

On 17 March, a meeting on the ICZM Plan for the transboundary demo area Buna/Bojana was held at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management in Tirana. The ICZM Plan ...

Albania ratified the ICZM Protocol!
Albania ratified the ICZM Protocol!

The MAP Focal Point of Albania informed MAP Co-ordinating Unit that the Albanian Parliament passed Law No. 10234 on Ratification of the ICZM Protocol on 18 February 2010.

Pending no...

We do PEGASO. What do you do?
We do PEGASO. What do you do?

The lead partners of PEGASO project Work Packages (WP) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 met in Venice, on 2-3 March 2010 to discuss the tasks to perform and outputs to produce within these WPs. Th...

UNEP/MAP presented the report on SOED
UNEP/MAP presented the report on SOED

On the occasion of a joint event co-hosted by UNEP/MAP and the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the MAP presented the comprehensive report on the State ...

Re-launching of CAMP Spain
Re-launching of CAMP Spain

Following the nomination of the new General Co-ordinator for CAMP Levante de Almeria, Spain, the Second Steering Committee meeting and an instructive meeting with the Co-ordinator ...

Together for the Mediterranean Sea - from Albania
Together for the Mediterranean Sea - from Albania

The Inception meeting /First Steering Committee meeting of the UNEP/MAP GEF Strategic Partenrship for the Large Marine Ecosystem (MedPartnership) was held in Budva, Montenegro, on ...

Meeting of the CAMP Morocco team
Meeting of the CAMP Morocco team
On 8 - 10 February 2010, the national co-ordination of the CAMP Morocco, which is in its final phase, organised a meeting of all the consultants, including several international co
PEGASO meeting
PEGASO meeting
The representatives of PAP/RAC and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, as PEGASO project Lead Partner, met in Arles and Tour du Valat (France), on 6 and 7 February 2010. The me...
1st Steering Committee for ProtoGIZC
1st Steering Committee for ProtoGIZC
The ProtoGIZC project is implemented by IDDRI (Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales), based in Paris. PAP/RAC is one of the partners in the project an...
IAS kick-off meeting and ICZM seminar
IAS kick-off meeting and ICZM seminar
Being an active partner in preparations for the ICZM Protocol ratification and promotion of ICZM in the country the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Spatial Planning and Const...
Galillee College Programmes - Call for Application
Galillee College Programmes - Call for Application

Galillee College, Israel, known as a leading international management-training institute, has prepared three International Agricultural Training Programmes, a Project Management In...