Together for the Mediterranean Sea – from Albania


On 17 March, a meeting on the ICZM Plan for the transboundary demo area Buna/Bojana was held at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management in Tirana. The ICZM Plan preparation is the demonstration activity of PAP/RAC within the sub-component on ICZM in the frame of the MedPartnership.

Both, the Albanian Ministry and PAP/RAC, confirmed priority issues and possible activities. The Work Plan for the entire project and for the year 2010 was agreed and collaboration officially confirmed. Finally, PAP/RAC and the Albanian delegation visited the project area.

Albania ratified the ICZM Protocol!
Albania ratified the ICZM Protocol!

The MAP Focal Point of Albania informed MAP Co-ordinating Unit that the Albanian Parliament passed Law No. 10234 on Ratification of the ICZM Protocol on 18 February 2010.

Pending no...

The MEDCOAST classic is back!
The MEDCOAST classic is back!

The Eight International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute 2010) is scheduled to take place in Dalyan/Sou...