The teleconference meeting of the CORMON on Coast and Hydrography, held on 17 October 2024, gathered representatives from 15 Contracting Parties (CPs) and several partner institutions. The primary objectives were to discuss and agree on updates or refinements to the Guiding Factsheets for the three Common Indicators coordinated by PAP/RAC. Additionally, the meeting focused on proposing climate change-related indicators and exchanging updates on the EcAp/IMAP revision and the EcAp Med PLUS project.
Significant progress was made on all agenda items through constructive discussions, including written contributions from two CPs unable to attend. The meeting featured two insightful presentations on best practices from Morocco and Türkiye, which highlighted approaches to defining Good Environmental Status for Common Indicator 16, related to coastline. These presentations served as valuable inspiration for other CPs.
As a result, the meeting successfully adopted a set of constructive conclusions and recommendations that will guide the CPs toward enhanced coastal and marine environmental protection across the Mediterranean.