On 2 and 3 December 2024, PAP/RAC actively participated in the Athens Regional Roundtable on ‘Catalysing Financing for Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean: The Role of the Private Sector’.
The roundtable aimed to elaborate on challenges and opportunities, roles and responsibilities as well as financing mechanisms and tools for engaging the private sector for climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean, with an emphasis on the coastal area in a Source to Sea approach. It concluded with a set of recommendations for action for catalysing climate adaptation financing and for engaging the private sector in these, targeting stakeholders from all Mediterranean countries.
The Regional Roundtable is organised in the framework of the GEF MedProgramme SCCF Project and the EU Water & Environment Support (WES) Project. It is jointly hosted by the Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean (GWP-Med), Plan Bleu and the EU WES Project, with the support of PAP/RAC.