On 5 February 2019, PAP/RAC hosted a meeting with the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) Facility Point and Thematic Steering Group (TSG) 3 Pillar Coordinator with the objective to assist the preparation of the project concept on ICZM and MSP for the Adriatic-Ionian (AI) sub-region. “To promote a sustainable growth of the AI region by implementing ICZM and MSP also to contribute to the Common Regional Framework (CRF) of the Barcelona Convention” is one of the project proposals currently under development for the implementation of this Mediterranean sub-regional strategy. The Centre’s contribution is with its region-wide expertise on the subjects, as well as to guarantee the best possible synergies and complementarities between the EUSAIR and the Barcelona Convention. Concrete outputs and related activities were discussed and four testing areas proposed. The proposal will be presented to the countries at the upcoming EUSAIR meeting to be held in Zagreb, Croatia.