Dates, duration and venue:
Date: 28 - 29 March 2023
Duration: a two-day meeting
Venue: Marseilles, France - Logistic information for the venue
Working documents
UNEP/MED WG.549/1: Provisional Agenda
UNEP/MED WG.549/2: Provisional Annotated Agenda
UNEP/MED WG.549/3: Contribution to the 2023 Med QSR for the cluster on Coast and Hydrography
UNEP/MED WG.549/5: Guiding Factsheet for the Candidate Common Indicator 25 “Land cover change”
UNEP/MED WG.549/7: Report of the meeting
Information documents
UNEP/MED G.549/Inf.1: Provisional list of documents
UNEP/MED G.549/Inf.4: Manual for IMAP Candidate Common Indicator 25 “Land cover change” calculation