A resilience information platform for Adriatic cities in development


A resilience information platform for Adriatic cities in development

PAP/RAC has launched the initial activities in the framework of the new EU funded project “Adriadapt” – A resilience information platform for Adriatic cities and towns. This 2-year project is funded under the EU INTERREG Italy - Croatia CBC Programme - Standard projects. In addition to CMCC Foundation, as a the lead partner, and PAP/RAC, the following partners are involved: Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, IUAV University of Venice, Union of the Municipalities of Savio Valley, Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy of Emilia Romagna Region, Municipality of Udine, Municipality of Cervia, Society for Sustainable Development Design, Šibenik-Knin County and City of Vodice.

The project objectives are the following: to harmonize and improve available climate related-knowledge and prepare it for the use in the decision-making process; to create a climate information system or a knowledge platform for the Adriatic region containing best practices, guidance documents, legal frameworks and climate and vulnerability studies, to foster the design of multi-scale adaptation and resilience plans and measures, which will support safe and sustainable socio-ecological systems, linking natural, social and economic dynamics that cross transversally from the inland, coastal and marine areas in the two partner countries; to test and integrate the knowledge platform with partners from the participating Italian and Croatian pilot cases; and to maintain and disseminate the information contained in the knowledge platform as a region specific repository for climate policy and plans, which provides support and locally relevant information aiming at climate resilience planning. PAP/RAC will secure transfer of relevant knowledge to other Mediterranean coastal stakeholders.

Photo © Boris Bašić

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