New FAO site on soil erosion


TA new site on soil erosion was recently launched by FAO in a close co-operation with PAP/RAC. As a matter of fact, PAP/RAC and FAO AGL Department have a long history of successful co-operation. In the late '90s, two Guidelines were jointly prepared, namely the Guidelines for mapping and measurement of rainfall-induced erosion processes in the Mediterranean coastal areas and the Guidelines for erosion and desertification control management. In addition to the latter, a Photo-library on soil erosion processes, as a pictorial annex was published in 2002. In this way, a full set of the most needed methodological tools was developed, which are being used by soil erosion practitioners and other users. This new web site can be found at

The mapping methodology is applicable not only for rainfall-induced erosion processes as initially stated, but considers also wind erosion and other degradation processes induced by incorrect land-use practices and management; similarly, the flexibility, adaptability and versatility of the mapping criteria and methods might be likely to be applied in other regions of the world. The Photo-library is trilingual (English, French and Spanish), whereas both Guidelines are not (yet) available in Spanish.

PAP/RAC is currently conducting several projects where these guidelines are applied, such as in the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria), as well as in Syria and Lebanon.
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