Mediterranean Coast Day 2024 celebration in Algeria highlights women’s role in coastal sustainability


Mediterranean Coast Day 2024 celebration in Algeria highlights women’s role in coastal sustainability

The main celebration of this year's Mediterranean Coast Day happened in Annaba, Algeria, on 25 September. Organised in collaboration with the Algerian Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy, the event focused on the crucial role of women in promoting sustainable coastal development throughout the region, echoing the theme of the "#WomensWave for coastal sustainability in the Mediterranean" campaign.

Hosted at the Sheraton Hotel in Annaba, the celebration attracted over 160 key stakeholders, including high level policymakers, environmental experts, and civil society representatives. This year's event put the spotlight on women as pivotal actors in achieving coastal sustainability, showcasing the achievements of remarkable women across the Mediterranean as examples of how concrete actions can lead to a greener future.  [1]

In his opening remarks, Abdelkader Djeallaoui, Wali of the Wilaya of Annaba, expressed his pride in hosting such a significant event in this historic coastal city. Underscoring the country's commitment to preserving its vibrant coastline, Mr Djeallaoui added that Algeria adopted the Law on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in 2002. He stated, "This law has been essential in raising awareness of the need to protect our coastline from degradation and preserve its rich biodiversity. This year's theme is particularly relevant, as women play an indispensable role in safeguarding the beauty and purity of our coastlines, and this event brings their valuable contributions to the forefront."

Daria Povh Škugor, Director of PAP/RAC, extended her appreciation to Algeria’s Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy and expressed her honour in delivering opening remarks at such an important event. “This celebration is not just about our shared coastlines, but also about recognizing the essential role that women play in its sustainable development,” she said. The PAP/RAC Director emphasized the connection between gender equality and societal progress, stating, "Making progress in gender equality also means making progress to achieve a peaceful and prosperous society, which is vital for our region."

Addressing the ongoing activities in Algeria under the framework of the MedProgramme, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), she highlighted the vulnerability study carried out in the wilayas of El Tarf and Mostaganem, One of the expected results of the study, she noted, is to propose measures to improve the quality of life for women in these regions. “The insights from this study will not only benefit local communities but will also provide recommendations that can be replicated in other Mediterranean countries.”

Samira Hamidi, Secretary General of the Environment and Renewable Energy of Algeria and former PAP/RAC Focal Point for Algeria, delivered an inspiring speech and received special recognition as the Ambassador of the Mediterranean Coast 2024. In accepting the honour, she emphasized, "Protecting and preserving the Mediterranean coastline is both a critical issue and a significant challenge for future generations of women. "In the panel session that followed, „Women’s voices in Algeria“, she highlighted the importance of concrete actions and thematic projects for women across the Mediterranean, empowering them to foster and engage in sustainable practices.

Women's cooperatives in Algeria were spotlighted for their active role in promoting sustainable practices. Thanks to support from the Conservatoire National des Formations à l'Environnement (CNFE), several organizations had the opportunity to showcase their work during the event, highlighting the critical role local communities play in fostering sustainable practices and preserving natural and cultural heritage for future generations.

The event also featured a theatrical performance and an exhibition that reflected this year's theme, showcasing the power of arts and creativity in engaging with environmental issues.

 [1] Discover insights by Alessio Satta (CEO of WWF Mediterranean), Francesca Santoro (lead of the UN Ocean Decade Coordination Office for Connecting People and the Ocean at IOC/UNESCO), Anne-France Didier (heads the mission to achieve SDG 14 at the French Ministry for the Sea), Tamara Brajović (head of the Directorate for Nature Protection at the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, and Northern Development of Montenegro) and many more. You'll also find inspiring portraits of incredible women like Maria Snoussi (Morocco), Ana Mišurović (Montenegro) and Laura Khatib (Lebanon)! 

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