We are proud to announce that the ICZM process has just been launched at the coastal wiki. This unique wiki-based roadmap for the ICZM process has been prepared in the frame of the PEGASO project WP2 led by PAP/RAC.
The design of the ICZM process to assist the implementation of the ICZM Protocol has been co-ordinated by PAP/RAC, and is based on over 30 years of practical ICZM experience in the Mediterranean. Perhaps for the first time the ICZM process has been encapsulated into simple key linear stages from the initial “Establishment” stage to the “Realising the Vision”. It is still in its early testing stage of development, and its application will vary according to local circumstances. But, as a web-based application, it will learn from experience, and infinitely expand over time.
Importantly, the process is designed to apply to ICZM projects, plans, strategies and programmes, and its emphasis is on the achievement of sustainability outcomes. As such, technologies, IT applications, project administration, data collection and analysis, etc. are subservient to the core task of achieving the winning goals - a consensus for sustainable development, and a solid governance foundation for its delivery.