In the frame of the GEF Adriatic Project, two meetings were held in Podgorica, Montenegro, on 25 and 26 November 2019, respectively. The objectives of the meetings were twofold: to discuss the finalization of the thematic monitoring programme on Contaminants, and a step-by-step training on Data Standards and INFO MAP system database. Both meetings were hosted by the Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.
The meeting of experts from the Centre for Ecotoxicological Research (CETI) from Montenegro, and representatives of MEDPOL, SPA/RAC, PAP/RAC, and the Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, was organized on 25 November. The partners discussed the remaining issues and uncertainties regarding finalization of development of thematic monitoring programme for EO9 Contaminants for Montenegro. In addition, the locations for monitoring the parameters needed for Eutrophication and Contaminants were discussed in detail.
On the following day, the experts from INFO/RAC guided the RACs representatives through the INFO MAP system database: Mr Arthur Pasquale presented the general overview and the state-of-the-art of the database, while Mr Giordano Giorgi showed how the “raw” monitored data (an example from the field survey was used) can be “transformed” into a format that fits the database requirements.