On 8 and 9 April 2019, the Herault region hosted the 6th Co-Evolve project Steering committee. Six months after the end of the project, when the test phase is coming to an end, all the advantages made by the pilot areas were presented in detail on the first day of the meeting. Local stakeholders attending the meeting had the opportunity to present the activities implemented in their territory. During the afternoon field visit, Co-Evolve partners joined the partners of the future “Co-Evolve for Blue Growth” project, which will transfer the experiences gained to the Southern Mediterranean countries. Together, they had the opportunity to learn more about the techniques and approaches implemented in the region to restrain coastal erosion. On the following day of the meeting, two PAP/RAC representatives presented the coordination plan for the final stage of the project: the transfer of results at the local/regional scale and at the Mediterranean scale. At the local/regional scale, the objective is to transfer the results of the analysis and demonstration actions beyond the immediate territorial and administrative limits of the pilot area, while at the Mediterranean scale, the objective is to transfer Co-Evolve major findings, conclusions and outputs to relevant authorities from each Mediterranean country. The last meeting of the project partners will be the final conference, which will be organized in the first week of October, most possibly at the island of Thasos.