Whether you want to learn more on the CO-EVOLVE project, or you are more generally someone who cares about sustainable development of maritime and coastal tourism, then the CO-EVOLVE newsletter should be interesting for you. This newsletter provides detailed and updated information about the project’s activities and achievements. The first section focuses on recent events organized by the project or in which it was represented. The second one provides information about relevant internal and external upcoming events and activities. A new version of the newsletter will be published approximately every six months, until the end of the project’s lifetime in October 2019. The newsletter is available on the following address: https://us16.campaign-archive.com/?u=05b94c5b6df8dfe2f52379d29&id=289383c3ac&ct=t(CO_EVOLVE_NEWSLETTER_1_JULY_20177_5_2017_COPY_02)
Should you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, which we warmly recommend, you can do so at the link: https://interreg-med.us16.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=05b94c5b6df8dfe2f52379d29&id=5761829f1a&ct=t(CO_EVOLVE_NEWSLETTER_1_JULY_20177_5_2017_COPY_02)