CAMP Morocco officially closed


The last workshop organised in the frame of the CAMP for the Central Rif in Morocco was held in Chefchaouen on 10 June 2010. About fifty participants representing the national authorities, institutions and organisations, and the provinces of Chefchaouen and Al Hoceïma, in addition to the representatives of the two MAP Centres – PAP/RAC and SPA/RAC, attended the workshop.

The main results of the CAMP Morocco, namely: the ICZM and SD Strategy including bankable project sheets, two pilot actions (Jebha in the province of Chefchaouen and Souani in the province of Al Hoceïma), an MSPA file (for the Jebha circle and the National Park of Al Hoceïma), a model of a participatory approach and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and sustainability indicators to be used by all those who intend to work in the zone of the Central Rif, were presented and validated during this workshop. In spite of being the closing one, the workshop should open the door to realisation of recommended development and protection activities. One of the recommendations made in this sense was to organise another workshop, in Rabat, upon start of the new school year, so as to share the CAMP results with different sectoral ministries, UNDP, EC, the World Bank and all those who could support the post-CAMP activities.

On the day of the workshop, an article was published in the best-selling newspaper in Morocco on the efforts of the monitoring committee of the Souani project.

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