CAMP Israel Inception workshop and 1st ICZM training held in Tel Aviv


CAMP Israel Inception workshop and 1st ICZM training held in Tel Aviv

With the aim to support capacity building, development of ICZM tools and promotion of good practices for sustainable development of coastal areas in Israel, the Ministry of Environmental Protection hosted two CAMP Israel events in Tel Aviv, in collaboration with PAP/RAC as the project coordinator.

On the 24th of January 2023, the ICZM training course ‘Planning and managing the local coastal zone’ was launched as one of the key capacity building activities for coastal communities in Israel. It is focusing on the basic principles of ICZM and providing an overview of the constraints and opportunities for implementing ICZM in costal municipalities of Israel. The 1st training course, which raised great interest among local stakeholders and actors, was concluded with an Ecological footprint (EF) workshop as an opportunity for the participants to learn more about the EF concept and methodology, as one of the broadly used measures of humanity’s effect upon the environment.

The ICZM training was organised back-to-back with the Inception workshop the following day (25th of January 2023) which introduced the CAMP Israel work plan to the representatives of relevant national institutions, in order to discuss the increasing challenges and pressures on the coastal zones.

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