Brainstorming meeting of the SMAP III Project


During the Brainstorming meeting for the MAP/METAP Project in the framework of SMAP III (Split, April 3-4, 2006)  it became evident that there was a need to enhance co-ordination of the SMAP III activities. Sixteen participants, including the representatives of SMAP III TA, RMSU, METAP, BP and PAP, and a selected group of international consultants attended the meeting. The participants discussed the Project Implementation Manual and provided numerous valuable proposals for the development of the MAP/METAP project. The need to ensure harmonisation and synergy among different SMAP activities, as well as among other ICZM projects and activities within 10 countries of the project has been pointed out as being of the highest importance. Based on an overview of the different activities in the countries, the need for awareness promotion on ICZM has been additionally stressed. The participants exchanged the workplans of their organisations with the aim of optimising capacity building and other information activities. More in the Report.
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