Split Dalmatia County and "Pomorsko je Dobro" celebrating the Mediterranean Coast Day


Split Dalmatia County and "Pomorsko je Dobro" celebrating the Mediterranean Coast Day

Split Dalmatia County joined the celebration of the Mediterranean Coast Day with an action called "Sea Patrol" in Kaštel Gomilica. The celebration included a workshop on ecology and environmental protection for students from Elementary School "Knez Trpimir". The children were introduced to the scientific issues related to the protection of the sea, marine environment and the underwater world. Firefighters presented their operations related to the sea protection. Little environmental scientists had the opportunity to try experiments appropriate to their age. In addition, they learned about the rescue activities of firefighters at sea and at the same time participated in a mini firefighting competition.

More about this may be found at https://www.dalmacijadanas.hr/medunarodni-dan-obale-u-kastelima-odrzana-morska-patrola-mali-ekoloski-znanstvenici-okusali-su-se-u-pokusima/

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