Progressing on EcAp's Science-Policy Interface



PAP/RAC representatives attended the 5th workshop on the science-policy interface (SPI) strengthening organized by Plan Bleu, in Nice, France, on 27 and 28 April 2017.  In addition, the Ecosystem Approach (EcAp) coordination group meeting was held on IMAP spatial and temporal scales of monitoring and assessment back to back with the Quality Status Report (QSR) meeting.

The workshop was organized  with the support of the EU funded EcAp MED II project and its specific output related to science-policy interface strengthening. The meeting allowed to share best practices, to present efforts of Contracting Parties for IMAP implementation at national scales, as well as to encourage discussion and meeting recommendations regarding elaboration of efficient spatial and temporal scales for monitoring and assessment.

PAP/RAC was leading the separate discussion-session on scale of assessment regarding the Coast and Hydrography indicators, but also discussing the issues on assessment scales which are applicable for all IMAP indicators. In addition, the draft QSR assessment fact sheets for Coast and Hydrography indicators were presented and discussed by the participants.


L'atelier de l'EcAp MED II a discuté des indicateurs relatifs à la côte et à l'hydrographie
L'atelier de l'EcAp MED II a discuté des indicateurs relatifs à la côte et à l'hydrographie


Les 24 et 25 avril 2017, le second atelier de formation sur les indicateurs relatifs à la côte et à l’hydrographie a été organisé à Rome, Italie, dans le cadre du projet EcAp MED...

La réunion des PFN du CAR/PAP a été organisée à Split
La réunion des PFN du CAR/PAP a été organisée à Split

Les 3 et 4 mai 2017, la réunion des points focaux nationaux du CAR/PAP a été organisée à Split, Croatie, en présence des représentants de 17 parties contractantes, de cinq experts ...