CREATE project announces: The Adriatic Adaptation Award


CREATE project announces: The Adriatic Adaptation Award

The Adriatic Region, being part of the Mediterranean, is among the most severely impacted systems by the effects of climate change. While facing an intensification of urbanisation along its coastline, Adriatic Region experiences an increase in intensity and frequency of hazardous events such as flooding, and long-term impacts like erosion, saltwater intrusion, loss of ecosystem services, and shift or disappearance of species. Still, adaptation initiatives along Adriatic are not many.  CREATE project wants to find practical examples which can be showcased and inspire other actions. The sharing of implemented good practices aims to foster the creation of new partnerships and accelerate the ecological transition.

The A3 aims to identify adaptation strategies, plans or solutions that were successfully implemented or are undergoing successful implementation, and are suitable for replication. The candidate projects must be implemented within the Adriatic basin. Strategies and plans in progress of implementation may be considered eligible to compete for the A3 as well.

Adriatic Adaptation Award categories:

  • Nature based solutions
  • Governance solutions
  • Technological solutions
  • Combination of the above

The call for proposal will open until the 10th of March, 2023 at 23.59

JOIN US! Check proposal details at

photo credit: Giacomo Magnabosco

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