
Meeting Date, Place Organiser & co-sponsor Responsible Officer Documents
COP 22 07 - 10 December 2021
Antalya, Turkey
UNEP MAP Zeljka Skaricic
Scoping meeting for the Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay (GEF MedProgramme CP 2.1)
Tivat, Montenegro
PAP/RAC Plan Bleu Ivan Sekovski
1st Steering Committee of the Transboundary CAMP Otranto
Virtual meeting
PAP/RAC Marina Markovic
Inception Workshop of the CAMP Otranto
Virtual meeting
PAP/RAC Marina Markovic
CORMON Coast and Hydrography Meeting
PAP/RAC Marko Prem
Final Conference of the GEF Adriatic Project
Boka Kotorska Bay
PAP/RAC Marina Markovic
PAP/RAC Focal Point meeting 24 - 25 May 2021
Virtual meeting
PAP/RAC Zeljka Skaricic
1st International Conference on Water Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in Albania 17 - 18 May 2021
Online meeting
Academy of Sciences of Albania GEF Adriatic Marina Markovic
ADRIADAPT final conference (for Croatian partners)
Virtual meeting