SHAPE partners discuss Outline for the National ICZM Strategies


A workshop on the draft Outline for the National ICZM Strategies for the Adriatic countries, held at PAP/RAC in Split on 26 September, presented the Guidelines for the preparation of these strategies required by the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean. Present were the SHAPE project partners, the project that is co-financed by the IPA Adriatic funds. This particular activity is under PAP/RAC’s responsibility within the WP3 on ICZM.

In the discussion that followed the presentations, valuable proposals and recommendations were made for the improvement of the format and contents of the Outline. In general, the partners agreed on the proposed draft; however, they suggested that the document should not be too detailed in order to leave freedom to countries to use the framework proposed in the most appropriate way. Also, it was recommended that more emphasis should be put on the ecosystem approach and the involvement of different stakeholders in the implementation of the Action Plan. The importance of a participatory process was stressed in relation to forming the governance structure, as well as in relation to deciding jointly with the stakeholders on indicators to be used as most important for a country.

In the last session of the workshop, the partners discussed the new possibilities for a joint project in the new call for strategic project proposals within the IPA Adriatic.

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PEGASO, SHAPE, MAREMED and PERSEUS foster collaboration

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