A new semester with lectures on ICZM, MSP and climate change started yesterday (28 February 2023)) for the students of the Syrian Virtual University (SVU). It is related to the Master’s Programme of Qualification and Specialization in Integrated Management of Natural Resources. The PAP/RAC team contributes with seven two-hour lectures to the third semester focussed on Integrated Management of Natural Resources. This cooperation between the PAP/RAC and the SVU has been agreed and defined by an MoU in coordination with Ms. Reem Abedabboh, the former PAP/RAC National Focal Point for Syria. She is the course coordinator and we have jointly selected the topics of the most relevance for the students. These are the following:
- ICZM: general introduction and the ICZM Protocol
- ICZM process: implementation and case studies
- Marine Spatial Planning: Introduction to MSP: conceptual framework; planning steps; practical examples
- Land-Sea Interactions: importance, concept, integration into MSP
- Development and implementation of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme for safeguarding the Mediterranean Sea and coast
- Climate Change and ICZM: background, need for integration of CC into ICZM/MSP
- Adaptation to CC through ICZM: best practices, implementation of projects
After the previous course the PAP/RAC team has evaluated the assignments and will assist, under the guidance of tutors, the preparation of master thesis that students have to deliver to successfully complete the course. This collaboration is an excellent opportunity to transfer knowledge on the most relevant topics through lecturing in this on-line course to Syrian colleagues.