At their meeting in Portoroz (Slovenia), on 24 September 2010, the PAP/RAC National Focal Points validated, with some minor changes, the questionnaire elaborated in the frame of the PEGASO project in order to do stock-taking of legal, institutional, financial and other aspects related to ICZM in the countries of the Mediterranean Basin and the Black Sea. Now, it’s the turn of the National Focal Points of the Black Sea countries, who are going to meet in Istanbul, on 30 September – 1 October 2010, to express themselves on the same subject. After the Istanbul meeting the questionnaire will be divulged to the countries whose responses are expected towards the end of April 2011.
This validation workshop of the stock-taking questionnaire was an excellent occasion to discuss PAP/RAC’s short- and long-term orientations related to the ICZM Protocol implementation. The Focal Points present at the meeting have unanimously supported a working document prepared and presented by PAP/RAC.