Webinar on ICZM & Tourism


At the invitation of UNEP/DTIE office in Paris, the PAP/RAC Director was a guest speaker at the webinar on “Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Strategic Tourism Development Planning”.

The webinar took place on 28 May at 4pm (CET) and was hosted by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism. The objective was to present UNEP’s Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) and the Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC), as an example of ICZM best practices, as well as to provide  information on the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean, demonstrating the commitment of participating countries and organisations. The importance of coastal tourism was highlighted together with an overview of its major impacts on coastal resources and coastal population. Participants also had the opportunity to learn on the relevance of approaches followed and tools used in ICZM for the strategic planning of tourism development, in particular the application of the Carrying Capacity Assessment (CCA) method.

This webinar was designed for National Cleaner Production Centres (NCPCs) interested in reinforcing their technical capacity in sustainable tourism, for destination development managers, and sustainable tourism professionals all around the world. Other participants were also welcomed.

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