The third edition of Thursday CREATivE Talks highlights the value of Nature-based Solutions (NbS)


The third edition of Thursday CREATivE Talks highlights the value of Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

After presenting specific funding possibilities for climate action in Croatia & Italy and the importance of adaptation planning for coastal areas in relation to the impacts of climate change, the third edition of Thursday CREATivE Talks webinar is based on Nature-based Solutions (NbS).

NbS can be considered as an 'umbrella concept' encompassing a range of established nature-based approaches which contribute to climate change resilience and disaster risk reduction. These solutions can help reduce social and environmental vulnerabilities and bring multiple co-benefits such as mitigating climate change, improving human health and well-being, providing jobs and creating new business opportunities.

How to optimise infrastructure and safeguard a stable and biodiverse future by using NbS, you can find out on Thursday, 12 January 2023, by joining us on Zoom at 11 a.m. CET.

 The registration link and list of key speakers are available here.

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