The importance of integration


As a member and representative of UNEP/MAP in the Joint EU Expert Group on ICM/MSP the PAP/RAC Director took part in the 3rd meeting of the Group, held in Athens, on 4-5 June. Several PAP/RAC NFPs and other collaborators were also present either as members of the Group or invited experts. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to ICM and MSP in the context of climate change adaptation, as well as some good examples of integration, i.e. Wadden Sea Forum and Croatian case of integration of marine and coastal strategy. The second day was fully dedicated to the new Directive on MSP and the changes it will bring in national planning systems, governance mechanisms, interactions of land and sea, co-operation with Regional Seas Conventions, etc. DG ENV and DG MARE were especially keen to identify the gaps where transfer of knowledge and best practices could be beneficial to Member States.

The meeting was organised back-to-back with the EC Conference on MSP, shipping and ports (

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