MSP as a tool for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean

Meet & Exchange Training Workshop

Dates, duration and venue

Dates and duration: A two-day meeting/training, Zagreb (Croatia) on 9 - 10 April 2019

Venue: Novinarski dom (premises of the Croatian Journalists’ Association), Perkovčeva 2

Objectives of the training

The training workshop will familiarise participants with the basic tools, methods and concepts for MSP implementation. It will support a common understanding across the Mediterranean region regarding implementation of MSP within the MAP Barcelona Convention system and encourage sharing best practices and lessons learnt from MSP implementation in the region and beyond.

Training Agenda

Programme de la formation

Information documents 

Conceptual Framework for Marine Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean

Cadre conceptuel pour la planification de l’espace marin en Méditerranée

Land-Sea Interactions in the framework of ICZM and MSP

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Toolkit

Guidelines for Transboundary Consultations, Public Participation and Cooperation

Iczm platform

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